Tuesday, September 30, 2003
The Plastic "Oh No" Band
I've been thinking about packaging lately. Why does everything have to be put in a plastic container, then wrapped in plastic, then wrapped with shrink wrap? What a waste. I've recently stepped up my plastics recycling, taking tubs to Natures to recycle and the like, but it still nags at my mind.
I recently read this in Clackamas County's Trash Talk: "Why Aren't More Plastics Recyclable? There are limited or no markets for many plastics - including bags, tubs, buckets, most take-out containers, lids, soft drink cups, meat trays, styrofoam, toys and many other plastic items. The "recycling numbers" you see on plastics don't guarantee the plastics are recyclable, they only indicate the general kind of plasic resin they are made from."
So, if I really want yogurt, is it better to buy a large tub and dole it out in reusable containers that way (ie for school lunches)? Is it better yet to make my own yogurt? Probably. I wish there were some things sold in plastic that I could buy in bulk. Tofu. Tic Tacs.
Also from Trash Talk: "What can you do? Reuse plastic items when possible. Don't buy non-recyclable plastics, instead buy stuff packaged in recycled packaging, select products with little packaging, buy in bulk or refillable containers."
Anyway, I'm going to make a conscious effort to think about everything I buy. Maybe I should stop buying O.J. in the big plastic container, and buy the recyclable cartons even if two cartons are more expensive than the plastic jug. (I don't know why I worry about saving $.70 on o.j., when I turn around and spend $3 on a latte). I wonder if there are any savings in buying bags of oranges and juicing them myself... or build a greenhouse and grow my own oranges... There has to be some balance, between reality and saving the planet.
Here is a book I just speed read: The Eco Foods Guide. Read this to learn about food production all over the world, and why you should buy locally whenever possible... at any rate it may help you figure out the aforementioned reality v. planet balance.
Daunted by the idea of reusing and buying in bulk? Try this fun idea: the beer growler. Look for local breweries that offer this concept - buy a large (glass!) jar from them, pay them to refill it with fresh beer from the tap, enjoy!
I recently read this in Clackamas County's Trash Talk: "Why Aren't More Plastics Recyclable? There are limited or no markets for many plastics - including bags, tubs, buckets, most take-out containers, lids, soft drink cups, meat trays, styrofoam, toys and many other plastic items. The "recycling numbers" you see on plastics don't guarantee the plastics are recyclable, they only indicate the general kind of plasic resin they are made from."
So, if I really want yogurt, is it better to buy a large tub and dole it out in reusable containers that way (ie for school lunches)? Is it better yet to make my own yogurt? Probably. I wish there were some things sold in plastic that I could buy in bulk. Tofu. Tic Tacs.
Also from Trash Talk: "What can you do? Reuse plastic items when possible. Don't buy non-recyclable plastics, instead buy stuff packaged in recycled packaging, select products with little packaging, buy in bulk or refillable containers."
Anyway, I'm going to make a conscious effort to think about everything I buy. Maybe I should stop buying O.J. in the big plastic container, and buy the recyclable cartons even if two cartons are more expensive than the plastic jug. (I don't know why I worry about saving $.70 on o.j., when I turn around and spend $3 on a latte). I wonder if there are any savings in buying bags of oranges and juicing them myself... or build a greenhouse and grow my own oranges... There has to be some balance, between reality and saving the planet.
Here is a book I just speed read: The Eco Foods Guide. Read this to learn about food production all over the world, and why you should buy locally whenever possible... at any rate it may help you figure out the aforementioned reality v. planet balance.
Daunted by the idea of reusing and buying in bulk? Try this fun idea: the beer growler. Look for local breweries that offer this concept - buy a large (glass!) jar from them, pay them to refill it with fresh beer from the tap, enjoy!
Monday, September 29, 2003
Hippie Crap Saves The World / Can better orgasms and upping your personal vibe really thwart BushCo idiocy?
Hippie Crap Saves The World / Can better orgasms and upping your personal vibe really thwart BushCo idiocy?: "hippie crap"
Here is an article that is pretty good - explains what about the left drives those on the right nuts. Here is a quote: It comes down to simple physics. Negative begets negative. Positive begets positive. War begets war, peace begets peace, Britney begets Christina begets N'Sync begets People magazine begets "Joe Millionaire" begets 10 million Prozac prescriptions begets a billion dumbed-down mind-sets, embittered souls. In a nutshell.
Here is an article that is pretty good - explains what about the left drives those on the right nuts. Here is a quote: It comes down to simple physics. Negative begets negative. Positive begets positive. War begets war, peace begets peace, Britney begets Christina begets N'Sync begets People magazine begets "Joe Millionaire" begets 10 million Prozac prescriptions begets a billion dumbed-down mind-sets, embittered souls. In a nutshell.
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Better the Pride
Excellent piece here from truthout by William Rivers Pitt on Bush's "speech" to the UN. Here is an excerpt:
"Bush was at the United Nations for one reason: He got his country into terrible trouble, in defiance of virtually the entire international community, and was forced to come begging for help. An ounce of contrition would have furthered the cause of actually helping to repair the devastation in Iraq. An ounce of contrition would have shown America to be the humble nation Bush promised us way back in 2000. An ounce of contrition would almost certainly have motivated the U.N. to leave aside wrangling, roll up its sleeves, and begin to repair the damage that has been done. That ounce was not offered, and the jut-jawed whipsaw President barefaced his way through what could have been the most hopeful moment the Iraqi people have seen in 100 years. Situation excellent, I am attacking."
and my favorite line from the editorial:
"Yet there he stood before the judgment of the world, coughing up the same old hairball on their carpet."
Better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world, then the pride that divides when a colourful rag is unfurled - Rush
"Bush was at the United Nations for one reason: He got his country into terrible trouble, in defiance of virtually the entire international community, and was forced to come begging for help. An ounce of contrition would have furthered the cause of actually helping to repair the devastation in Iraq. An ounce of contrition would have shown America to be the humble nation Bush promised us way back in 2000. An ounce of contrition would almost certainly have motivated the U.N. to leave aside wrangling, roll up its sleeves, and begin to repair the damage that has been done. That ounce was not offered, and the jut-jawed whipsaw President barefaced his way through what could have been the most hopeful moment the Iraqi people have seen in 100 years. Situation excellent, I am attacking."
and my favorite line from the editorial:
"Yet there he stood before the judgment of the world, coughing up the same old hairball on their carpet."
Better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world, then the pride that divides when a colourful rag is unfurled - Rush
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Good Eats!

It was well worth the wait! He doesn't just sit there and sign your book. He is funny, animated, interested in each individual that is there to see him.
So I got up to him, and we introduced ourselves and I said "nice to meet you". He replied in a slightly smarmy voice "the pleasure is all mine". Too funny. So, he signed my copy of Gear (which by the way is an excellent book if you have a prediliction for the care and feeding of your precious kitchen materials). He asked what I did, I said graphic design and mentioned I liked the layout of his books. He showed me that he took all the pics for Gear. He signed my AB Kitchen User's Manual, then I handed him my salt cellar to sign... I only brought the metal part and left the glass with salt in it at home. He asked where the glass was and I told him. He asked what was in it and I replied "salt". He gave me a stern look and I quickly said "kosher salt. He smiled approvingly.
Then we had our pic taken (after a minute of him teasing me about who I wanted a picture of or with). While the lady was trying to figure out my camera, he said to the people in line "how are you doing?" I said quietly enough for just him to hear (but as if I was talking to the line too) "we're going to dinner now". So he announced to the line "she wants to take me to dinner!". Oh brother.
Anyway, it was fun and funny and I'm so glad I ended up waiting in line for 2 hours to meet him. As some teenage girls said to those of us in line as they left, "He's awesome!"
P.S. - for the full AB experience, check out his first book, I'm Just Here for the Food: Food + Heat = Cooking, and don't forget to watch Good Eats!
Friday, September 19, 2003
Key Stroke
You know when you buy a new car, the minute you drive off the lot they car's value decreases by some insane amount? That's nothing compared to a computer keyboard. This keyboard from Amazon is a bargain at only $1,000,000! They have a link for used ones "from $17.79." That's quite a depreciation!
Yeah, it looks like they may have a pricing problem here. Read the reviews of the keyboard for a good laugh.
Yeah, it looks like they may have a pricing problem here. Read the reviews of the keyboard for a good laugh.
Big lie on Iraq comes full circle
Obviously, I haven't had a lot of time to blog lately, but I just read an good article that I wanted to share. It's a commentary that sums up whats happening with the Bush administratrion's lies about Iraq. It's amazing that after the recent admission that Iraq was not involved with 9/11, people are still supporting Bush. Let's hope that the public pays attention to this and connects the dots with all of the lies that Bush concocted to invade Iraq.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
What is This Crap?!?
Once again, the new Barenaked Ladies single is a dud. It is called Another Postcard, and it sounds like they are trying to cash in on their One Week fame. What an annoying song.
I had such high hopes after Maroon - a fairly decent album, especially after the debacle that was Stunt (the only good thing to come out of that album was the song Alcohol).
Mind you, dear readers, I have been a BNL fan since just about day one. I loved all their stuff. We got Stunt, and after I listened to it I nearly cried. What a pile of junk. "and if I play the same three chords will you just yawn and say.... it's all been done". Indeed.
Anyway, the new album Everything To Everyone (title sounds pretty ominous to me) comes out Oct 21, and I think there is an enhanced cd with the following:
The special Limited Edition will contain the CD plus a DVD of the following contents:
The album available in hi resolution Stereo and 5.1 Surround mixes. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!, a non- album track mixed in 5.1 surround. 3 Studio video clips. 11 song acoustic sessions from the album. Can be accessed as video w/ dialogue as well as audio only.
Follow BNL's studio process here.
Here's hoping the rest of the album does not follow the singles style...
Once again, the new Barenaked Ladies single is a dud. It is called Another Postcard, and it sounds like they are trying to cash in on their One Week fame. What an annoying song.
I had such high hopes after Maroon - a fairly decent album, especially after the debacle that was Stunt (the only good thing to come out of that album was the song Alcohol).
Mind you, dear readers, I have been a BNL fan since just about day one. I loved all their stuff. We got Stunt, and after I listened to it I nearly cried. What a pile of junk. "and if I play the same three chords will you just yawn and say.... it's all been done". Indeed.
Anyway, the new album Everything To Everyone (title sounds pretty ominous to me) comes out Oct 21, and I think there is an enhanced cd with the following:
The special Limited Edition will contain the CD plus a DVD of the following contents:
The album available in hi resolution Stereo and 5.1 Surround mixes. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!, a non- album track mixed in 5.1 surround. 3 Studio video clips. 11 song acoustic sessions from the album. Can be accessed as video w/ dialogue as well as audio only.
Follow BNL's studio process here.
Here's hoping the rest of the album does not follow the singles style...
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Ahoy me loyal readers! Be it known that September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Don't be a squiffy, splice the mainbrace and join in! Ye be a lubber? Blimey! Ye can still enjoy this day, me hearties! Aye, pirates were evil, but talkin' like them be not.
Friday, September 12, 2003
I'm pretty sure that is the answer to the John Ritter Trivial Pursuit question, can't remember the question though! Anyway, John died, due to a tear in the aorta, the result of an unrecognized flaw in his heart, said his publicist, Lisa Kasteler. He was 6 days from his 55th birthday. Wow. Anyway, a pretty funny guy... he was great in that episode of Buffy as her mom's psycho boyfriend...
...two down... :(
...two down... :(
I Shot a Man in Reno, Just to Watch Him Die
Johnny Cash, "The Man in Black" who became a towering figure in American music with such hits as "Folsom Prison Blues," "I Walk the Line," and "A Boy Named Sue," died Friday. He was 71.
Thanks for the music Johnny. We never really listened to him until a few years ago, when Rick gave us a mix cd of his songs. Great stuff. We were just listening to his album of covers last sunday at Cada Corner... he was singing Personal Jesus...
Thanks for the music Johnny. We never really listened to him until a few years ago, when Rick gave us a mix cd of his songs. Great stuff. We were just listening to his album of covers last sunday at Cada Corner... he was singing Personal Jesus...
Talk about an Unneccesary C-Section!
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
The RIAA Should Be Proud
In its first legal battle over downloading music, the RIAA has managed to tear $2000 away from the mother of a 12-year old girl. The mother is unemployed and the family lives in subsidized housing. The girl is guilty of the heinous crime of downloading things like the theme songs Family Matters and Full House.
One down, only 59,999,999 people to go!
[UPDATE! 9/10/03 3:09 pm] A peer-to-peer industry trade group has offered to pony up the cash for the little girl!
One down, only 59,999,999 people to go!
[UPDATE! 9/10/03 3:09 pm] A peer-to-peer industry trade group has offered to pony up the cash for the little girl!
Monday, September 08, 2003
I am the Lorax
I speak for the trees. Well, I don't. Not much anyway. But Rainforest Action Network does, as does National Forest Protection Alliance and American Lands. All their speaking has convinced Boise Cascade to stop cutting old growth.
"On Wednesday Sept. 3, Boise Cascade, the number one logger on U.S. public lands in the 1990s, released a landmark policy agreeing to halt its logging of endangered and old growth forests in the U.S. and abroad. It also committed itself to responsible forest management practices, including a decision to give preference to wood harvested from certified “sustainably managed” forests."
What made them change their minds? "“Two things,” says RAN's Paul West, “One, their public image was suffering – no one wants to be seen as the company destroying the last of the remaining old growth forests – and two, it was hitting their bottom line.”"
Let's hope the others follow suit!
"On Wednesday Sept. 3, Boise Cascade, the number one logger on U.S. public lands in the 1990s, released a landmark policy agreeing to halt its logging of endangered and old growth forests in the U.S. and abroad. It also committed itself to responsible forest management practices, including a decision to give preference to wood harvested from certified “sustainably managed” forests."
What made them change their minds? "“Two things,” says RAN's Paul West, “One, their public image was suffering – no one wants to be seen as the company destroying the last of the remaining old growth forests – and two, it was hitting their bottom line.”"
Let's hope the others follow suit!
Friday, September 05, 2003
NHL Roundup
Pre-season is just weeks away... Let's see what is happening in the world of NHL:
Rangers goalie Mike Richter announced his retirement this week, after 15 years in the NHL.
42 Year Old Mark Messier is making his return for a 25th season in the NHL, sticking with the NY Rangers.
Bruins announce they've signed goalie Felix Potvin.
19 Year NHL veteran Kirk Muller retired. He was selected 2nd overall in the 1984 draft.
It may be safe to root for Cujo again - Curtis Joseph is being shopped around, and will probably leave the Redwings (~cough~EVIL~cough) for the Rangers or St Louis. Apparently Hasek announced his comeback and rejoined the wings, so they need Cujo anymore - especially since he is recovering from ankle surgery. Apparently they want a goalie that won't allow their team to get spanked by the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim in the first round of the playoffs! Hee hee!
Rangers goalie Mike Richter announced his retirement this week, after 15 years in the NHL.
42 Year Old Mark Messier is making his return for a 25th season in the NHL, sticking with the NY Rangers.
Bruins announce they've signed goalie Felix Potvin.
19 Year NHL veteran Kirk Muller retired. He was selected 2nd overall in the 1984 draft.
It may be safe to root for Cujo again - Curtis Joseph is being shopped around, and will probably leave the Redwings (~cough~EVIL~cough) for the Rangers or St Louis. Apparently Hasek announced his comeback and rejoined the wings, so they need Cujo anymore - especially since he is recovering from ankle surgery. Apparently they want a goalie that won't allow their team to get spanked by the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim in the first round of the playoffs! Hee hee!
No Rushing
Just when you thought it was safe to turn on ESPN, they go and hire Rush Limbaugh as a commentator for Sunday NFL Countdown. See everyone, Rush is a well rounded individual... he is a psycho uber-conservative hatemonger that likes football too!
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
Twisted Imagination
Are you sick of those unsightly black and blue marks on your child after they get a good whoopin? Tired of lying to the ER staff when you bring them in with an injury you induced because they needed to be taught a lesson? Fear not! This product is for you! The B-Stik is "an alternative to conventional discipline methods that is designed for and intended for parents who want a safer way to apply physical discipline. It absorbs most of the impact that would otherwise cause blunt trauma which can often occur as a result of physical discipline with the belt, strap, switch, hand or anything that may cause harm or injury." There is even a cord to secure it to your wrist, so you won't drop it while beating your kid. Yippee! Now you can beat your kid and nobody has to know!
WHAT THE FUCK? What sick mind came up with this? Here is how to use it:
"As a precautionary measure, please use discretion with first use! It is recommended that one to five moderate impacts should produce a safe and adequately effective stinging sensation. DO NOT exceed the recommended amount until you are sure of your individual results. Depending on the individual, more or less may be required." Batteries not included....
They then go on to promote Child Abuse Prevention Month, and chastise parents for losing control and hurting their kids. I guess if you are going to fly off the handle and beat your child to a bloody pulp because they are acting up and you are having a bad day, just grab your b-stik and have a go! Unbeleivable. And look at their lecherous logo, that wasp with that fucking smirk on his face and his hand in a fist... "nothing but the sting". Criminy.
Oh, and you can use it for massage therapy too. ?? And on your pets... just mix with pentobarbital laced food and your dog should live a nice, long, happy life. Only $30.00 plus shipping.
For alternate discipline ideas, check out Dr Sears, or go here.
WHAT THE FUCK? What sick mind came up with this? Here is how to use it:
"As a precautionary measure, please use discretion with first use! It is recommended that one to five moderate impacts should produce a safe and adequately effective stinging sensation. DO NOT exceed the recommended amount until you are sure of your individual results. Depending on the individual, more or less may be required." Batteries not included....
They then go on to promote Child Abuse Prevention Month, and chastise parents for losing control and hurting their kids. I guess if you are going to fly off the handle and beat your child to a bloody pulp because they are acting up and you are having a bad day, just grab your b-stik and have a go! Unbeleivable. And look at their lecherous logo, that wasp with that fucking smirk on his face and his hand in a fist... "nothing but the sting". Criminy.
Oh, and you can use it for massage therapy too. ?? And on your pets... just mix with pentobarbital laced food and your dog should live a nice, long, happy life. Only $30.00 plus shipping.
For alternate discipline ideas, check out Dr Sears, or go here.
What's in Your Dog Food?
Flea Collars? Rotten meat? Pentobarbital? The same drug used to euthanize your sick pet can be found in your pet's food. Check out the article here, and click on the link at the bottom to see if your dog food contains something nasty.
For more info on what is in your pet food, check out the book Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts About Pet Food, by Ann N. Martin.
Our cat died recently, and the vet gave me three choices for her "disposal" (the fact that you have to pay them for that service is another story all together...) - anyway, $34, for "general disposal", $50 for "group cremation" and $128 for individual cremation, where we got the ashes back. I asked what happened to the animals in the first two, and she said they went to make fertilizer... I looked at her with a "you've got to be kidding", and she said when she asked about it they put it around christmas trees. I said I just didn't want her to be turned into cat food.... who knows though, really. I could have brought her home and buried her, but, well, the ground is REALLY HARD right now, and it had already been a really traumatic day.
For more info on what is in your pet food, check out the book Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts About Pet Food, by Ann N. Martin.
Our cat died recently, and the vet gave me three choices for her "disposal" (the fact that you have to pay them for that service is another story all together...) - anyway, $34, for "general disposal", $50 for "group cremation" and $128 for individual cremation, where we got the ashes back. I asked what happened to the animals in the first two, and she said they went to make fertilizer... I looked at her with a "you've got to be kidding", and she said when she asked about it they put it around christmas trees. I said I just didn't want her to be turned into cat food.... who knows though, really. I could have brought her home and buried her, but, well, the ground is REALLY HARD right now, and it had already been a really traumatic day.
Alaska, Ho!!!!!
Why Are All My Posts About Food?
Vegan Marshmallows are here! Why vegan? Who cares, you say? Well, I prefer my rice krispie treats and s'mores without gelatin, thank you. Check them out!
{on a sidebar rant - I got disconnected from our stupid dial-up AGAIN, right when I was posting, and it wiped out my post AGAIN. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr }
{on a sidebar rant - I got disconnected from our stupid dial-up AGAIN, right when I was posting, and it wiped out my post AGAIN. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr }